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Reference for the Dart client SDK

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The reference documentation covers the following classes, properties, and enums provided by the SDK:


  • Api
  • AuthData
  • Ciphertext
  • Ciphertext_Aes256gcmHkdfsha256
  • Client
  • Codec
  • CodecRegistry
  • Composite
  • Composite_Part
  • Compression
  • ContactBundle
  • ContactBundleV1
  • ContactBundleV2
  • ContentTypeId
  • Conversation
  • Cursor
  • DecodedContent
  • DecodedMessage
  • EncodedContent
  • EncryptedPrivateKeyBundle
  • EncryptedPrivateKeyBundleV1
  • Envelope
  • IndexCursor
  • InvitationV1
  • InvitationV1_Aes256gcmHkdfsha256
  • InvitationV1_Context
  • Message
  • MessageApiClient
  • MessageApiServiceBase
  • MessageHeaderV1
  • MessageHeaderV2
  • MessageV1
  • MessageV2
  • PagingInfo
  • PrivateKey
  • PrivateKey_Secp256k1
  • PrivateKeyBundle
  • PrivateKeyBundleV1
  • PrivateKeyBundleV2
  • PublicKey
  • PublicKey_Secp256k1Uncompressed
  • PublicKeyBundle
  • PublishRequest
  • PublishResponse
  • QueryRequest
  • QueryResponse
  • SealedInvitation
  • SealedInvitationHeaderV1
  • SealedInvitationV1
  • Signature
  • Signature_ECDSACompact
  • Signature_WalletECDSACompact
  • SignedContent
  • SignedPrivateKey
  • SignedPrivateKey_Secp256k1
  • SignedPublicKey
  • SignedPublicKeyBundle
  • SortDirection
  • SubscribeRequest
  • TextCodec
  • Token
  • UnsignedPublicKey
  • UnsignedPublicKey_Secp256k1Uncompressed


  • contentTypeText


  • Ciphertext_Union
  • Composite_Part_Element
  • ContactBundle_Version
  • Cursor_Cursor
  • EncryptedPrivateKeyBundle_Version
  • InvitationV1_Encryption
  • Message_Version
  • PrivateKey_Union
  • PrivateKeyBundle_Version
  • PublicKey_Union
  • SealedInvitation_Version
  • Signature_Union
  • SignedPrivateKey_Union
  • UnsignedPublicKey_Union

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